
Xfinity chat
Xfinity chat

  • CR > If I may ask, were you able to contact us when the first Wrestler on Demand did not work?.
  • CR > No worries G.E., I will be glad take a look at your account to confirm all information and take care of your concerns regarding your Comcast bill now.
  • CR > My sincere apologies for the inconvenience.
  • > The first didn’t work, so when I went back, it charged me a second time. > Question – on my latest bill, I had two charges for The Wrestler, On Demand And for that, I’ll change the rep’s name to “CR” (customer rep) to protect his anonymity (because I’m a nice guy). I don’t like to see anyone get fired and since I’ve had similar experiences with Comcast, I believe this particular experience is a systematic Comcast issue, not a particular service rep.
  • I have changed the reps name to protect their identity.
  • Don’t be afraid to use it, particularly if you are right about something and not getting what you are asking for.
  • You always have the power, as a customer, to leave.
  • It was the principle that they would not issue a credit when their service did not work as it should have.

    xfinity chat

    As I mention in the chat, $2.99 wasn’t the issue.Issuing a $2.99 credit doesn’t look good for a rep., but having a customer cancel their service and giving you a poor survey REALLY looks bad. When it was clear a nice guy approach wouldn’t work against their customer service policy, that’s when I had to harden up a bit. I went in to the chat not looking for a fight and things started off nice and pleasant (I recommend this as the best way to initially approach customer service reps.).didn’t issue a credit until I threatened to cancel my service because, in his words: “you still had service”. For some reason, the higher speeds didn’t kick in for 10 days, but I was charged for the upgraded speeds from day one (I was using a bandwidth tester daily to verify this). A few months ago I upgraded my broadband speed. This isn’t the first experience like this I’ve had with Comcast.I decided to chat in to get one of the charges credited to my account. I get my bill for that month a few days ago.

    xfinity chat

    #Xfinity chat movie#

    I had a hunch I might get billed twice, even though the first time didn’t work (side note: it’s kind of ridiculous that you would have to pay twice to watch the same movie one day apart).

    Xfinity chat